Creating your margin account

Connecting your wallet

When you first access the Reya dApp, you need to connect your wallet. There is a button on the top right corner that will let you do that; on some screens, there is also an additional button, see the screenshot below for the trading screen.

Once you press it, a menu will pop up, letting you choose your wallet app to connect.

Once you have successfully connected using your wallet app, you will get a confirmation window, which you can close to start interacting with the Reya dApp (there are also buttons for changing the wallet or disconnecting completely).

Make sure you are on Reya Network. You are now connected!

Creating a margin account

To create a margin account, you need to navigate to the Dashboard; you can find it on the menu at the top left of the screen.

The Dashboard should open in the Overview section; if not, click on it. You will find the Create Account button on the bottom left of the screen.

You will be prompted to choose an account name.

You will immediately see the dashboard for your newly created account.

To create an additional margin account, just click back on Overview and repeat.

Last updated