Checking your account

First, select the margin account you want to fund. You can toggle and see a list of all your margin accounts using either the dropdown menu always available at the top right of the screen, or in the bottom pannel of the Overview section.

You should see the selected margin account on the left pannel.

Checking your positions

You can check your open positions by selecting Positions on the left pannel. Your positions will be listed on the bottom pannel. The graph shows your account value.

Checking your account balance

Select Collateral on the left pannel. You will be able to see a graph with the evolution of your account value, as well as the breakdown by type of token on the bottom.

Remember that haircuts are applied to tokens other than rUSD for the purposes of covering margin requirements. This means that only a fraction of your account value is actually available to open positions.

Checking your trade history

Select History on the left pannel, and then the Trade History tab on the top right of the screen.

Checking your history of deposits and withdrawals

Select History on the left pannel, and then the Deposits and Withdrawals tab on the top right of the screen.

Last updated