The margin system


Instruments in REYA have linear exposures to these risk factors. Explicitly, this means that if risk factors are a multivariate random variable RtR_t of nn factors, then each instrument determines a vector EtE_tsuch that the price of the instrument is


This means in particular that the entries of $E_t'$ transform the risk factors into token amounts. As a consequence, note that the exposure vector will often be a function of more than just time: for example, if a given risk factor is the relative (percentual) returns rt,ir_{t,i} of some asset, then et,ie_{t,i} will generally have the price pt,ip_{t,i} as a factor to transform the percentual return rt,ir_{t,i} into an absolute return pt,irt,ip_{t,i}r_{t,i} in token amount. For example, if a user holds exposure of two units of ETH when its price is $1500, then their exposure is $3000.

Finally, note that by linearity, exposures are additive, meaning that a portfolio’s exposure is simply the weighted sum (with portfolio weights) of the exposure vectors of each component.

The risk matrix

Having established the fundamental framework, pools in REYA take as risk parameters an n×nn\times n matrix AA, as well as two multipliers λM\lambda_M and λI\lambda_I. Given this matrix, REYA computes the liquidation margin requirement for a portfolio exposure vector EE as


and then MMR=λMLMR\mathrm{MMR}=\lambda_M\mathrm{LMR} and IMR=λILMR\mathrm{IMR}=\lambda_I\mathrm{LMR}.

The matrix AAof course, must be carefully chosen and updated for the system to appropriately margin portfolios. The cases of multivariate normal and Student's t-distribution are instructive in getting intuition about the risk matrix.

However, REYA will generally rely on a more flexible version, where the components can be independently adjusted according to risk estimates mixing, e.g., Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall methods.

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